
Somos un sindicato, que agrupa funcionarios y personal que tengan vinculación tercerizada y directa con la Unidad Nacional de Protección UNP.  Nuestro fin es defender los derechos laborales de nuestros asociados.

  • Galerias de fotos

    Nuestras Galerias de fotos aqui.
  • Healthy Growth

    Organizing your startup properly with Avion CEO Nathan Epworth.
    12 Jun, 1PM
  • Freelance tips

    Sophie Walter shares her experiences as a young freelance architect.
    20 Jun, 4:30PM
  • Overcome insecurities

    How to play to your strenths and set your fears aside with Phil Great.
    28 Jun, 11AM
  • Dream project

    John Doe will talk about how he got one of the most prestigious projects.
    6 Jul, 9AM
  • Managing employees

    Leading a team is the biggest challenge for any executive, says Sally Logan.
    10 Jul, 11AM
  • Time management

    Nathan Epworth will show you how to best handle those 24 hours.
    13 Jul, 9AM
  • Balance responsibilites

    With power comes responsibility. Phil Great gets your feet to the ground.
    21 Jul, 3PM

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